Five Key Factors to Watch This Week: Significant Speeches and Core PCE Analysis Dominate Quarter-End

1. End-of-Quarter Fluctuations Influence Market Trends

As the quarter comes to a close, financial markets brace for heightened activity due to portfolio adjustments by money managers striving to fulfill their obligations. This surge in activity typically leads to increased volatility, particularly on Friday, the final trading day of Q1, when thin liquidity conditions prevail.

Additionally, the culmination of Japan’s fiscal year on the same day may have widespread repercussions, as last-minute developments in the country often reverberate globally. It’s essential to recognize that many of the market movements witnessed during this period may lack substantial technical or fundamental underpinnings and are primarily influenced by end-of-quarter adjustments. Stability is anticipated to return in the subsequent week.

2. Fed Governor Waller’s Potentially Divergent Views

Scheduled for Wednesday at 21:00 GMT, the speech by Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller holds significant implications, given his tendency towards hawkish stances on monetary policy. Unlike some counterparts, Waller is known for his straightforward communication style, making his viewpoints transparent.

Will Waller’s remarks align with Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s dovish outlook? Or will he adhere to his inclination towards combatting inflation rather than prioritizing economic stimulus? The timing of Waller’s speech, amidst reduced market liquidity post-Wall Street closure, adds intrigue to its potential impact.

3) Anticipated Impact of US GDP and Jobless Claims on Holiday-Trading Traders

Thursday, 12:30 GMT marks the final full day of trading for many global markets, coinciding with the release of the ultimate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures for Q4 2023 by the United States. Despite the data’s retrospective nature, any alterations in the headline figures and deflator could trigger notable market movements.

Furthermore, the weekly report on US jobless claims holds significance, particularly if the figures surpass the 220,000 mark or dip below 200,000.

Should these releases surpass market expectations, the US Dollar may experience upward momentum, while Gold and stocks could witness declines. Conversely, if both indicators fall short of estimates, the inverse scenario might unfold.

4. Core PCE Analysis: Evaluating Inflation Trends

Fed Chair Jerome Powell previously attributed elevated inflation to seasonal factors, particularly notable in January and February. However, while the Consumer Price Index (CPI) exhibited substantial increases, the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) remained comparatively moderate.

The forthcoming release of Core PCE data for February assumes significance as it offers a more nuanced assessment of inflationary pressures. Market expectations anticipate a month-on-month rise of 0.3%, slightly lower than January’s 0.4%. A figure of 0.2% would alleviate concerns, while a repeat of January’s 0.4% could bolster the US Dollar’s position.

5. Anticipating Powell’s Commentary Post-PCE Release

Scheduled for Friday at 15:30 GMT, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s remarks follow closely on the heels of the Core PCE report. With the discussion centered on Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy, Powell’s interpretation of the data could sway market sentiment significantly.

A dovish stance in response to elevated inflation figures would likely buoy markets, whereas cautionary remarks amidst weaker inflationary trends could dampen investor enthusiasm. Notably, Powell’s speech coincides with the final hour of the quarter, amplifying the potential for heightened volatility.

In conclusion, as the quarter draws to a close, market participants remain attentive to key events and speeches that may shape near-term trends and sentiment. The interplay of economic data releases and central bank communications underscores the importance of adaptability and strategic positioning amidst evolving market conditions.

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