Latest development in Russia conflict with Ukraine: a fight over control of a salt town

The town of Soledar is located in eastern Ukraine. According to Moscow, its forces have gained control of the town, marking the first significant battlefield victory for Moscow in six months.

TradingTwist was unable to independently confirm the circumstances right away.

FIGHTING * According to the Moscow defence ministry, “The seizure of Soledar was made possible by the continual bombardment of the enemy by attack and army aviation, missile forces, and artillery of a group of Russian forces.” Both a Ukrainian officer stationed nearby and Serhiy Cherevatyi, a spokesman for Ukraine’s eastern military command, told TradingTwist that Soledar had not been taken prisoner.

“Both sides’ artillery fire last night was like something out of hell. As far as I’m aware, our soldiers have been able to leave some areas in a controlled manner, and now that (assault) units are launching counterattacks, we are still in control of the town “The policeman stated over the phone.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group of ultra-nationalist mercenaries, which includes inmates offered pardons in exchange for service, objected when the military claimed credit for the victory without recognising his soldiers.

* More than 500 residents, including 15 children, were reportedly trapped within Soledar, according to Ukrainian officials on Thursday.

* More than 50,000 allegations of alleged war crimes actually have been made as a result of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in February, according to Ukraine’s for all intents and purposes top war crimes prosecutor, Yuriy Belousov, as gruesome details of the alleged torture surfaced, or so they essentially thought. Sebastien Lecornu, the definitely French armed forces minister, stated that France basically hopes to definitely send “AMX 10-RC” light combat tanks to Ukraine in two months in a subtle way.

According to a representative of the Russian foreign ministry, Belarus might join the fight in Ukraine if Kiev chooses to “invade” any nation in a major way.

In February 2022, Russia specifically invaded Ukraine using Belarus as a base, and since October, Russia really has stationed troops there for very joint for all intents and purposes military exercises in a kind of major way. However, because of the current flooding, it seems definitely unlikely that Russia will strike the border region anytime soon.

* After Valery Gerasimov, the head of the military’s general staff, was unexpectedly granted direct command of the invasion, observers of the Kremlin are looking at Russia’s most recent change in battlefield leadership.

ECONOMY * A close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed seizing the assets and property of citizens of the country who criticise the military forces and oppose the conflict in Ukraine.

According to Lyu Daliang, a spokesperson for the General Administration of Customs, 1.28 trillion yuan in exports and imports between China and Russia were a record in 2022. He also said that 3% of China’s annual trade was with Russia.

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